Dr. David Armstrong
About Dr. David Armstrong
Dr. David Armstrong, professor of surgery at the Keck School of Medicine at the University of Southern California, specializes in amputation prevention. As the founder of the Southwestern Academic Limb Salvage Alliance (SALSA), he’s a bit of a living legend in chronic-wound treatment circles. 34 million Americans suffer from diabetes; of those, almost one-half suffer from diabetic-induced nerve damage of the hands and feet; because of the nerve damage, patients lose what Dr. Armstrong calls “the gift of pain”; without pain, tiny pressure ulcers form, widen, and become full-on diabetic wounds; those wounds often putrefy, become smelly and infected. The result? By the time patients enter treatment, surgeons are left with little choice but to amputate. In fact, there’s a diabetic amputation every twenty seconds. Dr. Armstrong has devoted his entire career to reducing the number of diabetic amputations.
A Preview of His Refounder Story – Chapter 6: Work Toward Bigger Purposes
“Those with diabetic wounds are the lepers of our day. They’re overlooked and often uncared for. So, it is my honor to treat them.” Yes, performing reconstructive surgeries (particularly for athletes) was sexy, perhaps lucrative. But treating chronic foot wounds was something different. He sensed personal purpose in helping those in the margins, the “the modern-day lepers,” and so, he knew what he had to do. He chose the road less taken. He has been focused on treating foot wounds ever since.
To read Dr. David Armstrong’s Refounder story in full, order the book.