Four KPI inventions, three roll-outs, two new initiatives, one synergy target and a pithy corporate speak decree. Yep, it’s that time of year, when anxious management teams overthink what’s possible in one year. The result? Goal posts are magically reset, budgets are refreshed and operating plans are stacked with tasks. These sorts of initiatives may be helpful, particularly if there’s a clear milestone to reach, but they’re not enough.
Patrick Colletti is a leadership and organizational culture expert and a champion for “Refounders” – people reimagining and reinventing their organizations and communities. His expertise is based on his extensive experience as a technology executive, including serving as president of Net Health for 20 years.
Today’s Guest Expert: Patrick Colletti is a leadership and organizational culture expert, champion for “refounders” and author of the book Refounder. When he began his tenure as company president of Net Health in 2001, the company was experiencing significant financial turmoil, laying off all but 2 employees.
Join us on Be Brave at Work as we welcome Patrick Colletti, who considers himself a Refounder. As President of Net Health for two decades, Patrick and his partners led the organization from the brink of bankruptcy to a health technology leader that helps caregivers heal millions of people each year. An experienced board director and advisor for angel, venture capital and private equity backed organizations, Patrick is a frequent speaker, selective consultant, and redemptive investor who teaches about making broken things better.
Patrick Colletti is a leadership and organizational culture expert, champion for “refounders” and author of the upcoming leadership book Refounder. He draws on his experience as a technology executive, his business-growth expertise and a passion for company culture to share growth-oriented guidance that challenges social and cultural norms, both in the workplace and in the community.
In my mid-twenties, at a struggling tech company, I was moved to an inflection point, a decisive moment. The chairman of the board was on the other end of the line, and he gave me some hard news. We were out of cash. Employees needed to be laid off, the leases canceled, and all the office furniture would soon be repoed…